
  • Gyeongho Kim, Jae Gyeong Choi, and Prof. Sunghoon Lim's paper has been published in the Journal of Manufacturing Systems. [Link (Article/UNIST News Center)]

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  • Jae Gyeong Choi has been selected for a poster presentation at the KDD 2024 Ph.D. Consortium.
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  • Sujin Jeon has passed the qualifying examination and officially been a Ph.D. Candidate.
  • Gyeongho Kim has been selected for "대학원 대통령과학장학생" and received funding from the Korea Student Aid Foundation (한국장학재단). [Link]
  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim received the Excellence Award in the Industry-Academia Cooperation category (Outstanding Faculty Awards) from UNIST. [Link (English/Korean)]
  • Amorepacific ((주)아모레퍼시픽) in Osan, which has officially prepared the application and selection process with Prof. Sunghoon Lim, has been designated as a new Factory Lighthouse (글로벌 등대공장) by the World Economic Forum (WEF, 세계경제포럼). [Link (WEF Global Lighthouse Network, WHITE PAPER, WEF Article, UNIST News Center (English/Korean))]
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  • [보도특집] 가보지 않은 길 : 스마트 팩토리 (2023.12.21./울산MBC) [Link]
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  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has been appointed as a committee member (위원) of 국가전략기술 첨단로봇·제조 조정위원회 (중점기술: 가상제조).


  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has participated in "Smart Manufacturing Forum (스마트 제조 포럼)", which was hosted by Apple and POSTECH, as a panel. [Link (연합뉴스, 조선비즈, 헤럴드경제)]
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  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has presented his research titled "중소기업 스마트제조의 현재와 미래, 그리고 AI" at BUTECH 2023 (제11회 부산국제기계대전).


  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has exhibited "Manufacturing AI Metaverse Factory" with KAIST, Hanyang University, Digiforet, ABH, and KEMP at Hannover Messe 2023 for two years in a row. [Link (지디넷코리아, 전자신문)]


  • Sun Jun Kim has joined Upstage after completing his master's degree.
  • Minjoo Ku has joined LG Electronics (LG전자) after completing her master's degree.
  • Jae Gyeong Choi and Gyeongho Kim have been awarded​ 우수상(the 2nd place) from 2022 A.I. Challenger Program (AICP) Best Awards.


  • Gyeongho Kim has passed the qualifying examination and officially been a Ph.D. Candidate.



  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has presented his research titled "중소기업 스마트제조의 현재와 미래, 그리고 AI" at SMATEC 2022 (제4회 스마트공장구축 및 생산자동화전).


  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has participated in "2022 Ulsan Forum (2022 울산포럼)", which was hosted by SK Group and Ulsan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as a session chair. [Link (2022 울산포럼, 뉴시스, KBS)]
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  • Our lab has been selected as Target Lab (타겟랩) by LG Electronics (LG전자 가산 R&D 캠퍼스). LG Electronics will provide a special hiring process for our alumni if they want to join LG Electronics.


  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has received funding from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups (중소벤처기업부) for the proposal titled "데이터인프라 제조 AI 데이터셋 구축" as a principal investigator (PI) for three years in a row.


  • Jae Gyeong Choi has been selected for "박사과정생 연구장려금지원" and received funding from the National Research Foundation of Korea (한국연구재단).


  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has participated in "제조데이터 촉진자 양성" as a lecturer for Week 5 (제조 인공지능(AI) 분석 개발 1) and Week 6 (제조 인공지능(AI) 분석 개발 2). [Link (대한민국 정책브리핑, 중소벤처기업부)]

2022년 제조데이터 촉진자 양성사업 교육생 모집 포스터

  • Jae Gyeong Choi has passed the qualifying examination and officially been a Ph.D. Candidate.


  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has presented his research titled "울산의 제조혁신 방향과 과제" at 제3회 경남 디지털혁신 융합 포럼. [Link]






  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has presented his research titled "Improvement of input accuracy and conveniece on VR/AR using AI and wearable soft sensors" (collaborators: Prof. Joonbum Bae and Feel the Same) at UNIST AI Innovation Day. [Link (English/Korean)]


  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has joined "중소벤처기업부 K-인공지능 제조데이터 분석 경진대회" as a reviewing committee and has been released to the press. [Link (인공지능신문)]













  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has contributed a column titled "AI and reformation of manufacturing cities, Pittsburgh and Ulsan (인공지능과 제조도시의 재도약, 피츠버그와 울산)" to UNIST Magazine 2021 Autumn. [Link (English/Korean/UNIST News Center)]


  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has presented his research titled "Improvement of input accuracy and conveniece on VR/AR using AI and wearable soft sensors" (collaborators: Prof. Joonbum Bae and Feel the Same) at UNIST AI Technology Open Workshop. [Link (English/Korean)]


  • Jae Gyeong Choi has been awarded​ Best Poster (the 2nd place) from the poster competition on IT session of BIEN 2021 (The International Conference of Women Scientists and Engineers conference on BT, IT, ET and NT). [Link (English/Korean)]

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  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has received funding from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups (중소벤처기업부) for the proposal titled "자유목적 제조 AI 데이터셋 구축" as a principal investigator (PI) for two years in a row.


  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has been appointed as a committee member (위원) of 중소벤처기업부(Ministry of SMEs and Startups) AI 제조데이터 전략위원회 and a committee chair (위원장) of 중소벤처기업부 서비스분과위원회.

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  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has received funding (413 million won) from Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & evaluation (IITP, 정보통신기획평가원) for the proposal titled "3D Pose Estimation Motion Data Development based on the Fusion of 3D Data and AI (3D 데이터와 AI의 기술융합을 기반한 3D Pose Estimation Motion Data 개발" as a co-principal investigator (Co-PI). This project has been displayed in the department and has been released to the press [Link (인공지능신문, 전자신문, 뉴스와이어].

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  • Dr. Sujoy Chatterjee started as an assistant professor in the Department of Informatics, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun, India.


  • Gyeongho Kim has been awarded​ a commendation from the president of Korea Maritime Transportation Safety Authority at 2020 Big Data Competition of Oceans and Fisheries​. [Link (English/Korean)]
  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has received funding from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups (중소벤처기업부) for the proposal titled "지정설비 제조 AI 데이터셋 구축" as a principal investigator (PI) and has been released to the press. [Link (UNIST News Center (English/Korean/Facebook), 한국일보파이낸셜뉴스, 뉴시스)]
  • Our lab and Prof. Sunghoon Lim were introduced to the official Facebook page of the UNIST SME Student Council. [Link (Korean)]
  • Prof. Sunghoon Lim has received funding from InterX for the proposal titled "제조데이터 분석 및 AI 모델개발" and has been released to the press. [Link (UNIST News Center (English/Korean), 연합뉴스, 파이낸셜뉴스)
  • Gyeongho Kim became the second runner-up of the 2019 UNIST Case Competition [Link (Korean)].